Carnegie Mellon University

Presentation Awards

Presentation Awards are awarded to Carnegie Mellon undergraduate students or groups who are presenting their research at academic conferences.

What can I do with a Presentation Award?

The award can be used to fund conference registration, travel, lodging, and food expenses.

How much funding can I get?

Individual students can be awarded up to $250. Groups including two to four students can be awarded up to $250 each with a cap at $1,000 for the group. Groups of more than four students should contact our office for guidance. Students can receive up to two awards per academic year.

Am I eligible?

You are eligible for a Presentation Award if:
-you are a CMU undergraduate student in a degree-granting program;
-you are not on academic or disciplinary probation, or on a leave of absence or suspension;
-your research has been accepted for presentation at an academic conference;
-you will not have graduated prior to the conference.

When should I apply?

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

How to Apply